Monday, November 11, 2013

Typhoon Haiyan

Hey guys so as many of you know there was a recent typhoon in the Philippines. I've learned that it's the biggest in history. It's currently typhoon season there and there are so many people with no homes and lost loved ones. My parents and I are talking about helping out our main land. (my parents homeland) I thank the Lord that my family wasn't hurt. I don't have any family in Tocloban. But, that doesn't mean we're not going to help. So here is a link that you guys should definitely check out! How to Help Philippines Typhoon Victims


  1. Hi Lauren!
    Your blog is amazing! I love that you have more than just assignments posted; it adds so much character. This is probably my favorite blog that I've seen so far! You have an awesome background and your posts are really easy to read. You should check out my blog. What book is your group reading for your literary circle?

  2. I really like your blog! (I even bookmarked it, not to sound creepy or anything). It's nice that you bring awareness to helping the Philippines and have a consistent Music Monday. I can't really think of a Dickens-based, or finals-based, question as of right now. Maybe, why does the kid on the cover of Great Expectations look like he came from the 80s?

  3. I got sucked in and read quite a few posts on here. I really liked your hamlet remix.

    How do you plan on studying for the final vocab-wise?

  4. You have an awesome blog!
    How do you plan on studying for the final?

  5. I really like the layout of your blog! Do you have any suggestions on ways to study for the vocab final?

  6. The photography in your background is breathtaking! Love it!
    So, what book is your literary circle group reading and why?

  7. I love the way you incorporate personality into your posts, its nice to look at someones blog and see that they don't only use it for school posts (: Plus the background is so you! ANYWAYS, how will you be studying for these finals?

  8. Hello beautiful ! I think it's amazing that you're taking time to assist Haiyan. That's very selfless and considerate.
    How do you want to study for the finals and do you need a study buddy ?
    I'm always here if you need me girlie ! ❤

  9. You should read and comment on my blog post "Thinking Outside of the Box" and the "No Exit" question post below it! Thanks Lauren!
