Monday, August 19, 2013

Vocabulary #1

adumbrate (v.) to outline; foreshadow; faint indication
I had to adumbrate an essay for English last week

apotheosis (n.) example; epitome; elevation of a person to the rank off god

Michael Jackson is the apotheosis of pop music.

ascetic (n.) a person who dedicates his or her life for religious purposes
A buddhist monk lives a very ascetic lifestyle. 

bauble (n.) trinket; ornament
I went to an anitque shop the other day and saw mulitple baubles on a Christmas tree

beguile (v.) to pass (time); to influence by trickery, flattery
Multiple people are happy when they beguile with another persons emotions

.burgeon (v.) to grow or develop quickly
My younger brother burgeoned into a very smart person through the years.

complement (n.) something that completes or makes perfect
My parents are a wonderful couple who complement eachother very well.

contumacious (adj.) stubborn; rebellious
My older brother was a very contumacious teenager when he was in high school.

curmudgeon (n.) bad tempered; difficult 
My father's boss was a very caring guy but he was also a very curmudgeon man when people didn't 
do their job correctly.

didactic (adj.) intended to instruct; teaching
My history teacher was a very didactic person

.disingenuous (adj.) lacking sincerity 
I dislike it when people are disingenous when they apologize for something they did wrong.

exculpate (v.) to clear from a charge of guilt or fault; free from blame
They jury had to exculpate the suspect due to lack of evidence.

faux pas (n.) awkward moment; social blunder 
I created a humiliating faux pas during dinner when served my vegetarian friends meat.

fulminate (v.) to explode with a loud noise; detonate 

My mother fulminated when the topic of texting a driving arose.
 fustian (adj.) bombastic
I went to a fustian melodrama the other day

.hauteur (n.) arrogance
His hauteur made me think of him as a snobby person.

inhibit (v.) restrain
I need to inhibit myself from eating too much rice.

jeremiad (n.) prolonged mournful complaint
When I don't get what I want I usually have a jeremian complaing to my cousins.

opportunist (n.) a person who takes advantage of opportunities
She was an opportunist who later on became a wonderful Doctor.

unconscionable (adj.) no inner sense of what is right or wrong 
Sometimes I am a very unconscionable person and make stupid decisions. 

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