Monday, August 26, 2013

Vocabulary #2

accoutrements - personal clothing
apogee - the highest or most distant point
apropos -concerning something or pertaining to something
bicker ­-constant arguing
coalesce - to grow or into one body
contretemps ­-an embarrassing moment
convolution -a rolled up or coiled condition
cull -to choose, select, to gather
disparate ­­-distinct in kind, essentially different
dogmatic -stating facts that haven't been proven to be true
licentious -sexually unrestrained; promiscuous
mete -to divided punishment
noxious -harmful or injurious to health
polemic ­-to speak against something or someone
populous - full of residents
probity -integrity, honesty,moral principles
repartee ­- a quick, witty reply
supervene -to take place, to occur
truncate ­-to shorten, cut off
unimpeachable-to not be questioned

(will finish later)

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